Customer Resource Center
- Get Started
- Release Notes
- Automations
- Patient Channel
- Troubleshooting and FAQ
- Patient Facesheet
- Technical Specifications
- Insights & Analytics
- Collaborative Inbox
- Conversation Flows
- Campaigns
- Lines & Resources Requests
- Lines, Events, Resources
- SMS Basics
- Triggers
- Referrals
- Add-Ons
- Users and Groups
- Platform Settings and Configuration
- Self-Rescheduling
- Recalls
- Marketplace
- Pulse Outreach
Table of Contents
Access the Customer Resource CenterWhat is Available on the Customer Resource Center?Get HelpGet TrainingArtera's Customer Resource Center is designed to help you answer basic Artera questions, deliver training for new Artera users, and get support when you need it.
Access the Customer Resource Center
Access the Customer Resource Center from Artera by selecting Help from the Navigation Bar, then Contact Us.
What is available on the Customer Resource Center Home Page?
Click on the (?) icons in the window below to learn more!
Get Help
- Support Case Form: This section allows you to submit cases to the Support team for investigation.
- Lines & Resources Form: As your organization grows and changes, you will likely need to add new Practices, Locations, and Lines to your Artera Enterprise. These types of requests are submitted through the Lines and Resources form.
- Enterprise Enablement Requests: Submit this request type for Artera to help your team configure automated communication, review settings, manage your team's resources, and more.
- Case Portal: This section allows you to review the status of your cases and communicate directly with Artera Support within each case.
Login Requirements
In order to submit a request for support, you will need to log into the Customer Resource Center.
If you are an Artera user, your user ID is the email address associated with your Artera account.
If you have never logged in before or forgot your password, click Forgot your Password.
If you are having issues logging into the support site, please contact us.
Get Training
- Artera Academy: Take courses to learn how to use Artera using Artera's digital learning platform. No account is required to access, simply input your work email address and name.
- Webinars: Join product experts for live training on Artera fundamentals, deep dives into features, and optimization opportunities.