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Find the Edit History for users, Events, Resources, and Automations/Triggers at the Practice and Enterprise levels. Updates made to Artera can impact key functions like the delivery of Automations/Triggers. Artera allows you to track updates made to users, Events, Resources, and Automations/Triggers through detailed histories.
Practice-level Edit History
Within Practice Settings, you can view the changes made for users, Events, Resources, and Automations/Triggers by selecting the (...) menu for the list item.
Each history contains the name of the user who made the edit, the changes made, and the date the edit occurred.
Enterprise-level Edit History
Within Enterprise Settings, you can view the change history for Enterprise Users and Default Automations by selecting the (...) menu.
Each history contains the name of the user who made the edit, the changes made, and the date the edit occurred.