Conversation Flows Patient Journey Report
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Table of Contents
Accessing the Conversation Flows Patient Journey Report Conversation Flows Patient Journey Report Filters Defining Report FieldsConversation Flows OverviewConversation Flows Completion and FailureFailed vs. Completed Flows by StepFailure Reason by StepFAQsThis article explains the Conversation Flows Patient Journey Report, which provides a detailed view of how patients progress through a Conversation Flow, displaying how many patients land on each step, if/when they fail and why. This report helps your organization optimize existing Conversation Flow configurations, identify branches of Conversation Flows that may be failing, and implement improvements. Click here to learn more about Conversation Flows.
NOTE: The Conversation Flows Patient Journey report is only available to Conversation Flows customers and Enterprise users within those organizations. If your organization is not using Conversation Flows, this report will not be available to you. This report will only display data in your production environment.
Accessing the Conversation Flows Patient Journey Report
Select Insights from the Navigation Bar
Select Conversation Flows Patient Journey
Conversation Flows Patient Journey Report Filters
Enterprise users can filter the Conversation Flows Patient Journey report to view data across their entire Enterprise’s Conversation Flows or for specific Conversation Flows. A timeframe filter is also available to help narrow or expand the time range of the data they would like to assess.
By default, the Conversation Flows Patient Journey report displays data for the last 7 days. The available time frame options are:
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
Is between (enter Start and End date)
Is on (enter a date)
Defining Report Fields
This report includes data on completed and failed Conversation Flows.
- Completed: A patient has successfully navigated through the entire Conversation Flow and all of its steps.
- Failed: A Conversation Flow was not completed by the patient, either because the Conversation Flow was interrupted by a manual outbound message to the patient or the Conversation Flow session timed out.
Conversation Flows Overview
Total Flows Initiated: Displays the total count of Conversation Flows initiated in the selected timeframe.
Total Flows Completed: Displays the total count of Conversation Flows successfully completed in the selected timeframe.
Total Flows Failed: Displays the total count of Conversation Flows that have failed (incomplete or interrupted) in the selected timeframe.
Conversation Flows Completion and Failure
Displays the percentage of Conversation Flows that were successfully completed during the selected timeframe.
Displays the percentage of Conversation Flows that failed during the selected timeframe.
Displays the percentage of Conversation Flows that failed at the first step during the selected timeframe.
Failed vs. Completed Flows by Step
This chart displays the count of failed and completed Conversation Flow sessions by the steps included in the Flow.
Failure Reason by Step
This chart displays the count of Conversation Flows that failed at a particular step in the Flow, within the selected timeframe, broken down by failure reason.
Can Staff or Manager users access the Conversation Flows Patient Journey report?
No, only Enterprise users can access this report and only if their Enterprise is leveraging Conversation Flows.Our Enterprise is interested in additional Artera reporting. Where can we learn more?
If you are an Analytics Plus customer, select the Open Artera Analytics Plus tab on the Insights page to be routed to Analytics Plus for additional reporting needs.If you are not an existing Analytics Plus customer but are interested in additional Artera reporting, connect with your Customer Success Representative for details on Analytics Plus.