Look |
Description |
Automation/Trigger Link Tracking Report |
This report will track links that are being sent in Automations and Triggers. |
Broadcast Effectiveness Report |
Understand who sent a Broadcast, how many patients were reached, and the response volume. |
Build Report |
Understand your Enterprise's Practice, Line, and Location breakdown in a data table format for troubleshooting purposes or as a validation for configuration updates. |
Campaign Deliverability |
Understand how many of your Campaign messages are delivered successfully. |
Campaign Patients with Undelivered Outreach |
This Look gives you the ability to select a Campaign and see which patients did not receive the intended outreach for that Campaign. |
Campaign Responses |
This report shows inbound message content and details from patients who have responded to Campaign messages. This Look can be filtered by Campaign, keywords, and date range. |
Custom PRT Look |
This Look offers the ability to choose custom time periods from the standard PRT framework. Please note that PRT data is updated on an hourly basis. |
Deliverability by Automation/Trigger |
This Look allows you to examine deliverability of messages by specific Automations and Triggers and by Automation/Trigger message date. |
Full Automations and Triggers Breakdown Report |
This report shows all Automations and Triggers created by Practice, along with an extremely granular view of many associated fields, such as Automation Modules, IDs, verbiage in English and Spanish, etc. |
Inbound Keyword Automation/Trigger |
This report provides information on the number of messages and the unique number of patients receiving Automations and Triggers. This report is grouped by Automation templates and the text criteria required for triggering the Automation or Trigger.
Inbound Keyword Report |
Understand what patients are saying and use this data to create Inbound Keyword Automations/Triggers, Quick Responses, and/or Manual Messaging guidance.
Inbound Message Volume |
This report displays information on the number of messages and unique number of patients sending those messages for inbound messages to Artera customers. This excludes common responses, such as “Y," "N," "Confirm." This Look helps gauge what patients are texting in to determine other questions, comments, and/or concerns they can resolve with an Inbound Message Automation/Trigger. |
Manual Messaging |
View the messages sent directly to patients by Artera users. |
Opt-out/in via Short Codes or Mass Messaging Number |
This report should only be used for opt-outs/ins regarding short codes. |
Opt Outs |
View the patient IDs of patients who opted out of receiving text messages from Artera. |
Patient Message History |
This report provides a comprehensive list of message details for a given patient over a specified time frame. |
Campaign - Patient Opt Out |
Understand which patients opt out of text messaging after receiving a Campaign. |
Appointment Reminder Responses by Status |
This report displays patient response rate to appointment reminders, by day and status, over a selected time frame. |
Patients that Exist in Artera (Verified and Unverified) |
This report contains a complete list of Artera patients and their classification as verified or unverified. This report does not display patients without a Patient ID/MRN. |
Artera Form Results |
Review Artera Form results. |
Practice and Location Information |
Review the Location Resource information for each Practice, including the location's name and address. |
Response Rate by Automation/Trigger |
This report displays patient response rates to appointment reminders by Automation or Trigger. |
Response Rate by Automation/Trigger by Date |
This report displays patient response rates to appointment reminders by Automation or Trigger and by date. |
Undelivered Messages |
Understand who has not received your SMS communication. |
Undelivered Messages by Practice and Line |
Understand who has not received your SMS communication by Practice and Line. |
User Access by Practice |
This report lists users and their user type by Practice. |
"Wrong Number" Inbound Messages |
This report will show any patient that has texted in "wrong number" in the past 7 days. Date range can be changed. |