Daily Changelog Email
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Table of Contents
Daily Changelog Emails (Not Transitioned to Triggers) Daily Changelog Emails (Transitioned to Triggers)Artera sends a Daily Changelog email to Manager and Enterprise Users. Manager Users will only receive Daily Changelog emails for the Practice(s) they manage. This email contains any changes made in your Artera Production environment.
NOTE: The Daily Changelog email is only generated if a change was made in your Artera environment. If nothing is updated, an email for that day will not be generated.
Daily Changelog Emails (Not Transitioned to Triggers)
If your organization has not yet transitioned to using Triggers, this email will be sent to Manager and Enterprise Users and contains the following information, per Practice:
- New Events
- New Resources
- New Lines
- New Users
- New Automations
- Detailed Automation Updates
New Events
New Events are created when a new appointment type is scheduled in your EMR and flows into Artera. Click here for instructions on setting up new Events.
New Resources
Resources that appear in this email are usually newly created Providers in your EMR. Resources also include Locations, Devices, and General. Click here for information on configuring your Providers. The configuration for Devices and General Resources should be nearly identical to these instructions. Locations require additional setup, click here to learn more.
New Lines
When new lines are text-enabled and added to a Practice, there are few setup steps that need to be completed to ensure the line behaves correctly.
New Staff
When new Artera users are added to the Practice, the email contains the user's name and email address.
Automation Breakdown
This section contains all the updates made to Automations within the Practice. These updates are categorized by Automation Description and include who made the updates, when the updates were made, and what was changed.
Change History
Most items within Artera contain a detailed Edit History. This includes a breakdown of changes including the user who made the change and the date/time of the change. Click here to learn more.
Daily Changelog Emails (Transitioned to Triggers)
If your organization has transitioned to Triggers, a Daily Changelog email will be sent to Enterprise Users that also contains information on updates made to Triggers within the Enterprise.
Manager Users will continue to receive the Daily Changelog email for their respective Practice(s), however, this will not contain information on Triggers as those are only viewable by Enterprise Users.