Patient Response Options
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When building your Conversation Flows, you will need to define one or more Patient Responses within your outbound message. These create the parameters for the patient’s reply and allow you to define the proper branch of the Conversation Flow the patient should receive next.
Patient responses are always defined in the Root Message and in any other outbound messages that require a Patient Response.
Patient Response Options
The following options are available for selection:
Unrecognized Response
True, False
Low, Medium, High
Small, Large
In situations where the patient only has two response options, we often recommend choosing the Yes and No response options from the Patient Input drop-down. The Internal Description field is not patient-facing and is used to identify the response chosen by the patient in the branch. You can enter whatever helps your users identify the patient action.
In situations where the patient has more than two options, we recommend using numbers for the Patient Response options. Alternatively, you can use numbers for patients to provide information such as a pain scale or satisfaction score. The Internal Description field is not patient-facing and is used to identify the response chosen by the patient in the branch. You can enter whatever helps you identify the patient action.
Unrecognized Response
Unrecognized Response will automatically send the next message in the sequence when the patient replies to a message with a response that does not match another assigned response option.
Unrecognized Response can be used in two ways:
Added with other response options: This can be used to redirect the patient to choose the correct response or send the patient a message to call the Practice.
The only response option added: This will allow Artera to send the next message in the Conversation regardless of what the patient responds with.
Added with Other Response Options
The Only Response Option