Telehealth Appointment Link Smart Phrase
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Artera takes a vendor-agnostic approach to Telehealth. We work with every customer to integrate communication around Virtual Visits into Artera within a manner that utilizes both solutions best.
Why We Built Telehealth Integration
An Artera Insights Data Report indicated that Telehealth appointments will continue to account for 15% or more of appointments beyond the year 2020. As many patients and organizations understand the benefits of utilizing Telehealth, it is essential to streamline the process of coordinating care through Telehealth.
Artera's Telehealth Integration enables seamless automated message delivery to maximize the value of your existing Telehealth investments, saving valuable staff time and resources.
Telehealth Playbook
We have put together this Telehealth Playbook to help you identify how Artera can help you support Telehealth visits and related workflows.
How It Works
When a virtual appointment is scheduled in your EMR, a link is generated for the patient to access their appointment.
Artera syncs with your EMR and identifies Telehealth appointments, as well as the patient-facing link for the visit.
Using the {eventTelehealthVisit} Smart Phrase, Artera inserts the visit link into an automated appointment reminder sent in line with all other communication through Artera, which eliminates manual outreach and data entry by your staff.