Google Chrome Auto-Translations
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While Artera can be accessed with any web browser, we recommend using Google Chrome for the optimal user experience. Please note that Google Chrome provides a built-in tool that translates web pages. At times, this tool will trigger on the Artera platform leading to distinct and false translations.
For example, this translating tool can translate ‘Artera-Bot’ to ‘Blood-Bot,’ as well as modify patient names based on the translation options and languages auto-detected through Google Chrome.
How to Prevent Google Chrome Auto-Translations
To prevent Google Chrome from auto-translating items in Artera, it is recommended that the Artera User disables translations. To do this, follow the steps below and connect with Artera Support for additional questions:
Access the Google Chrome Settings page by selecting the three-dot (...) menu in the upper-right corner of your Google Chrome window
Select the ‘Languages’ sub-menu from the left panel
Scroll down to the Google Translate section and disable translations by deselecting the ‘Use Google Translate’ option